A research paper about bioorganic reactions in a floating droplet levitated using ultrasonic wave has been published in Advanced Science (article link).
Erika Miyamoto, Master's Student, won the Student Poster Presentation Award at the 57th Japanese Peptide Symposium held online on November 9-11, 2020. Erika presented her research on “Inhibition of Amyloid β assembly induced on GM1-containing lipid membrane using cyclic peptides”. Congratulations! https://www.peptide-soc.jp/57jps/award.html...
Erika Miyamoto, Master's Student, won the Young Researchers Award (e-Poster Presentation) at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry held online on September 10-12, 2020. Congratulations! https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsn2020/static/poster_award 第63回日本神経化学会大会(2020年9月10〜12日、Web開催)で、M1の宮本さんがeポスター優秀賞を受賞しました。おめでとうございます。
Avian Influenza Virus Detection by Optimized Peptide Termination on a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode トリ由来のインフルエンザウイルス(avian virus)の高感度検出をペプチドをBDDに固定化したセンサーで可能にしました(Feb 20, 2020 online)。京都府立医科大学との共同研究です。